No Bodda wid dat: Mental health a no joke ting!
By: Ashli Preddie-smith
Laughter is the best medicine they always say but I want to give you something to think about. First of all, I want you to think back to maybe primary and high school. Do you remember looking at persons who worked there and painting a picture of what you think their life at home is like? Maybe you pulled pranks at the ones who seemed less fortunate all in the name of a good laugh?
This mindset has followed us into university. It is the same way we deal with people who struggle with mental illnesses or even just persons who are conscious of the importance of good mental health.
The word mad has been used loosely lately and is quite insensitive. I spoke to a 22-year-old female, who currently attends university about mental health in Jamaica and the conversation was very heart-breaking. Betty* said, “For years I have struggled with depression and anxiety. At first, I would try to convince myself that I’m just stressed and would shove it aside because I didn’t want to be ‘mad’. It got to the point of self-harm and for the most part, tried to hide it because of what I expected people to say.”
This is the reality of many university students who feel they don’t have the support system to handle the burden of the school along with their other personal issues. Betty* continued by saying “Depression has become a publicity stunt and the punch line to many jokes but the persons who are really suffering are teased and taunted into a dungeon of despair. We often forget the possible impact these jokes may have on the subject.”
The next time you are tempted to joke about a person’s mental status or to throw insensitive words around, remember, Betty* could very well be your cousin, friend or even sister. Think before you speak.
“Kind words do not cost much. Yet they accomplish much.” ~Blaise Pascal
As someone who has been on both sides of the mental health spectrum, I can say there isn't enough resources for persons with these issues and also for persons who are trying to understand it. For years the only type of health that has been given any attention is physical health and with the growing number of persons being diagnosed with mental health issues, I think it's time we changed that.